LO.RE.NET (LOcal REgulation NETwork) is the international Network of experts on Regulation of Local Public Services (LPS) created in 2010 with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce of Turin.
LO.RE.NET is animated by the Turin School of Local Regulation and aims at reaching the following objectives:
- To establish an international network of researchers, decision-makers, research and education institutions, enterprises, and other stakeholders, on the issue of regulation of local public services.
- To create a culture of regulation of local public services
- To build up an international framework and produce guidelines on regulation of local public services
- To provide to local public decision-makers and stakeholders the necessary information and instruments to build up regulatory systems of local public services
- To set the basis for the creation of a stable international network on regulation of local public services and its institutionalisation.
The network has gathered members from 24 Countries so far:
Since 2010 the following products and results have been delivered thanks to the cooperation of the network members and the coordination work made by the staff of the Turin School of Local Regulation:
Comparative tables describing the regulatory framework of 6 local public services in different Countries.Go to
Thematic and sector bibliographies managed and updated by the Turin School of Local Regulation on regulation of local public services. Go to
Research and policy papers presenting the results of the comparative analyses made within the LO.RE.NET. network. Go to
Presentations on the results of the comparative analyses made within the LO.RE.NET. network, made at international seminars and conferences. Go to
Members only area to share documents and research results. Go to