The link between sustainable food production, healthy environment and public health is today always more evident. The reduction of the use of fertilizers, pesticides and antimicrobials, the protection of biodiversity, sustainable farming and animal health, as well as a more sustainable food distribution are necessary and urge actions.
The transition towards sustainability in this sector necessarily implies the rethinking and reorganization of the entire food supply chain: production, transport, distribution and consumption of food products. A complex system, whose restructuring implies important productive, economic, logistic and behavioural choices and the implementation of new strategies.
Although in recent years in the EU much progress has been made in the area of sustainability and safety of food production, this sector continues to be a major contributor of climate change and environmental degradation and a new effort to reduce its negative impact is still needed.
The webinar intends to analyse and deepen the relationship between food production and environment, the policies insofar adopted and the novelty and potentiality of the recent development of the Green New Deal in the food sector.
LORENZO BAIRATI, University of Gastronomic Sciences
Lorenzo Bairati received his law degree from the University of Turin in 2004 with a thesis on legal transplants of European private law in Latin America. He worked at the University of Turin as a teaching and research assistant for the Comparative Law course.
After obtaining his Ph.D from the University of Florence (Italy), Lorenzo Bairati worked as a research fellow from 2010 to 2013 focusing on the complexity of legal sources and the multiplicity of levels of government in the European Union.
From 2013 to 2017, Lorenzo Bairati was a researcher at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo (Italy) teaching courses on Food Law and European Union Law.
Since 2017, Lorenzo Bairati is Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law. His current research and publication projects include global food governance, international food trade law and food consumer protection from a comparative perspective.
BENJAMIN LEON BODIRSKY, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky is senior scientist at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and investigates long-term trajectories of the global food system and its impacts on the environment.
MICHAEL HOWARD, University of Exeter Business School
Michael Howard is Professor of sustainable supply chain management at the University of Exeter Business School. His current research examines food production systems e.g. dairy, baking, brewing, in terms of how circular business models create value for business and society while protecting the environment. The participant on numerous EU, EPSRC and UKRI research grants, his work includes the development of tools to map & measure circular economy maturity, carbon hotspots and supply chain performance. He was the co-founder of the Circular Economy Business Forum in 2015, and served for 6 years as Director of Research for his department at Exeter. Prof Howard has published widely, including over 150 academic articles & conference papers. Past awards include a Dean’s prize for research excellence, a Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply research scholarship, and an Institute of Supply Management shortlisted paper award at the Academy of Management. He has presented at numerous institutions including Harvard, Bentley College, and Copenhagen Business School. He is the co-author of several books: the ACA-Bruel award winning ‘Purchasing & Supply Chain Management: A Sustainability Perspective’ (2014, 2018) Routledge UK, and ‘Procuring Complex Performance’ (2011) Routledge NY, recently translated into Chinese. His work has attracted over 1670 Google Scholar citations, and he has supervised 6 PhD students to completion.
MARTA MESSA, Slow Food Europe
Director of Slow Food Europe, she coordinates the development of the movement and its activities in the region. She has worked with Slow Food since 2010, at first coordinating the development of the Thousand Gardens in Africa project. Since 2014 she has been based in Brussels, liaising with EU institutions on policies relating to food, giving a platform to the international Slow Food network and developing strategic partnerships with other organizations active at the European level.
United World College Alumni, she holds a BA in Politics and International Studies and an MA in Economics and Politics.
Working language: English
Partecipation is free upon registration.
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