International Summer School on regulation of local public services: the School is designed to offer two weeks “full immersion” in user charges regulation of local public services (e.g. waste, water, public transport, district heating, sport facilities) and is mainly addressed to undergraduate students at their last year, PhD and graduate students and officials from the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies
Policy-oriented research projects: the school structures and delivers research projects aimed at analyzing and better understanding dynamics and transformations which are characterizing specific sectors and aimed at indicating possible policies to be applied. The focus on the local dimension has generally been characterizing these research activities but always on a comparative basis and often through the lenses of a multidisciplinary approach
Papers and policy briefs: the school produces papers and policy brief on hot topics of regulation. Currently the school is working mainly on the themes of platform regulation and smart cities
Short training sessions (sector/topic focused): the Turin School of Regulation organizes executive-level short course (duration between 2 and 5 days) on specific topics connected to local regulation
On-demand training and capacity building: the school provides on demand support and capacity building activities. These courses are tailored according to the particular needs of the commissioning body which generally are public entities, regulatory bodies, agencies, utilities and private companies
Local Regulation Network of Experts – LORENET: the network supports exchange of information, data, results of research amongst experts of different countries on the topics of local regulation
International seminars and round tables, in order to disseminate the culture of regulation and stimulate the policy debate