What: In the last 25 years policy developments to liberalize and regulate utility markets aimed at increasing competition, boost efficiency, cut prices for final users and promote customer protection. Today these goals are more difficult to achieve by policy makers and firms. At the same time, good revenues for utilities, either energy or water companies, are more difficult to attain, until a much needed paradigm shift of their business model is developed and tested. Moreover no real reduction of users’ charges is foreseen in the short term and thus arrears might contribute to the problem, with strong welfare fall-outs related to vulnerable consumers. The course aims to give participants an overview of the regulatory frameworks, corporate consequences and social policy implications, in EU and extra EU, for the management of arrears in sectors such as water and energy,  alongside with deep insights from international real case studies presented and discussed among participants. During the course a specific attention will be given to  build the proper competence to use  the suite of tools called Turin-Index™ developed by the Turin School  of Local Regulation. 

Who: The course is mainly addressed to utility retail markets specialists, utility financial risk managers, local government heads, mayors and other public sector decision makers and managers involved in welfare programmes, local regulators of infrastructure and public services, smart city planners, national energy regulators, officials from international organizations, energy utility experts, consumer protection specialists, credit managers, data scientists, doctoral students.


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