The link between sustainable food production, healthy environment and public health is today always more evident. The reduction of the use of fertilizers, pesticides and antimicrobials, the protection of biodiversity, sustainable farming and animal health, as well as a more sustainable food distribution are necessary and urge actions.
The transition towards sustainability in this sector necessarily implies the rethinking and reorganization of the entire food supply chain: production, transport, distribution and consumption of food products. A complex system, whose restructuring implies important productive, economic, logistic and behavioural choices and the implementation of new strategies.
Although in recent years in the EU much progress has been made in the area of sustainability and safety of food production, this sector continues to be a major contributor of climate change and environmental degradation and a new effort to reduce its negative impact is still needed.
The webinar intends to analyse and deepen the relationship between food production and environment, the policies insofar adopted and the novelty and potentiality of the recent development of the Green New Deal in the food sector.